Last Sunday 5th of November took place the monthly Rendez-vous musical at Fondation des Etats-Unis of which I was in charge of the organisation. Unfortunately pianist Ian Tomaz fell sick and the program had to be modified at the last minute. He was replaced with fellow FEU artist Samuel Gaskin that played some interesting pieces by Schulhoff and Gershwin. I accompanied flutist Isabelle Pazar on pieces attributed to Antonio Vivaldi but more probably written by French Baroque composer Nicolas Chédeville from his opus Il Pastor Fido. Then a selection of pieces by Franz Liszt :

Canzonnetta de Salvatore Rosa, Années de Pèlerinage - Deuxième année : Italie, S. 161

Les jeux d’eau à la Villa d’Este, Années de Pèlerinage - Troisième année, S. 163

Valse oubliée No. 1, S. 215/1

Schubert/Liszt, Valse Caprice No.6, S. 427

A beautiful evening.

Presenting the program of the evening.
With the musicians. From left to right: Samuel Gaskin, EJ, Jonathan Mutel, Isabelle Pazar, Noelia Carrasco, Isabelle Liu, Angel Guanga, Malka Bobrove, Ethan Nylander